My husband got me a Nook Color for Christmas.  Actually, I saw it at the pawn shop for $149, and talked them down to $130, telling Robert that that was a great price.  It came with a pink silicon sleeve and a charger.  I need to get screen protectors and a storage card; I can already tell that I’ll need one for all of the books I’ll be purchasing.

Speaking of buying books, I’ve already bought five for my Nook -2 free, 2 for .99, and 1 for 2.99- all paranormal romances.  I am just enjoying playing with and learning about all of the Nook’s functions.  After reading these books, I’ll post reviews to let others know whether they were worth the purchase price.

I figured I needed to understand how ereaders work considering that I will soon be publishing my novel in this ebook format, probably even before traditional tree-book format.  For my followers, I will be posting more frequently in the New Year.  My goal is to focus on my writing, especially my novels, so that I can get them published this year.  They have been a labor of love these past couple of years, and I am ready to share them with those who enjoy paranormal romance.

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