Every blog has to have a start, but I’ve been procrastinating, because I sit and wonder, Who wants to read what I have to say about anything? But if I don’t write, then I can’t get better at it. If I don’t write, then I can’t express what I have to say. If I don’t write, this blog will be empty. So, I am writing about topics I think readers would be interested in on this site, but the topics are also subjects I am interested in: reviews of books I have read, writing exercises that I’ve found helpful, writer’s workshops I have attended, and interesting people I meet in my pursuit of becoming a better writer. I want this site to be considerably professional, so I will limit personal posts about my life and my family, unless they are related to writing or reading. If you want to know about my personal life, I have a separate blog for that. It is listed in my Favorite Links category. I hope this site is helpful to some and interesting to most. But, in the end, it’s about what I am doing to make the most of my writing life.