For #MondayBlogs :
So, I chose to work on #BLUR. Second Chance will just have to wait. I really want to finish the sequel to #ECHO this year. I’ve had such a great response to ECHO that I’m trying to meet the expectations of those that are asking for me to hurry with the sequel. I want the book to be good, therefore I’m taking my time and not writing junk. At the same time, I want to just get Derek and Tara’s story out of my head. Expect more drama, more scandal, more romance, and more heartbreak in the second book of The Élan Series.
Here’s a seven-line sneak peek from BLUR—anticipated release, Winter 2014—
Derek picked me up in his Camero at six o’clock. The hum in my body that always erupted whenever he was near started the minute he climbed from the driver’s seat. My skin tingled from the vibration and, as he scooped me up for a kiss, the colors of our link blazed behind my eyelids.
“Damn!” he said once he released me. “Do you think it’ll always be like this?” His arms stayed wrapped around my waist.
“What? An emotional explosion every time we touch?” I looked up at him, his dark blond hair golden in the evening sun. “I hope so.”