Character interview questions, to dig deeper…

Recently, I did some research to prepare for posts to be used in the Indie Lights Book Parade, touring on a website near you in February. Since only so much can be revealed in a written story, I wanted to interview one of my characters for the parade to let readers get to know him/her Read More …

Coincidence? I think not…

I strongly believe that loved ones from the other side are watching over us, providing comfort when we need it, nudging us to do what needs to be done, sometimes just giving us a sign that they are near and want to be around those of us that are still alive. My theory about death Read More …

Character Backstories

For those of you who have told me that you get a little lost reading posts in my character blogs, I have written abbreviated backstories for the two main characters of my first novel, Echo.  The book itself isn’t quite finished (I’m pushing for a fall release date), but I’m trying to build a following Read More …